Post Service Officer
Veterans Crisis Line
Dial 988 and press 1 to contact the Veterans Crisis Line. Veterans may still reach the Veterans Crisis Line with the previous phone number—1-800-273-8255 and Press 1—by text (838255), and through chat ( American Legion Post 141 is here to help. Dave Harvey (US Army) is our Post Service Officer (PSO) who has resources and connections for:
For your convenience, we have secured the conference room at the Livingston County Veteran Services Office in Howell as an alternate meeting location. If you are more comfortable meeting there, please let me know, and we can make the necessary arrangements. Additionally, I am available for off-site meetings by appointment, ensuring a location that suits your comfort. Post 141 in person hours: Contact Dave for an appointment Phone: 248-444-8798 How Can My PSO Help Me? The PSO serves as a link between the veteran or dependent and a representative holding American Legion Accreditation. The PSO is not authorized to file any claims on behalf of the claimant. The PSO serves as a valuable resource to veterans in local posts to ensure that our veterans and their dependents receive earned benefits Just because you took off the uniform doesn’t mean you are no longer part of the US military family. We had each other’s back then. We still do now! |
August 2024 Military Sexual Trauma Counseling What is military sexual trauma counseling? Military sexual trauma counseling may include individual or group counseling, marital and family counseling, referral for benefits assistance, liaison with community agencies or substance abuse information and referral to help you deal with the emotions of military sexual trauma and regain confidence in your everyday life. Am I eligible for military sexual trauma counseling at Vet Centers? Any Veteran, or Service member to include members of the National Guard and Reserve forces, who was sexually traumatized while serving in the military is eligible to receive counseling regardless of gender or era of service. Where are services available? Assessment and referral for MST-related counseling is available at all Vet Centers. Onsite counseling is available at selected Vet Centers across the country. In addition, MST-related medical and mental health services are available at your local VA Medical Center and can be accessed by contacting the Military Sexual Trauma Coordinator or your existing VA healthcare provider. Michigan Disabled Veteran Homestead Property Tax Exemption: Michigan offers a total property tax exemption of the primary residence that is owned and occupied by an eligible disabled Veterans or their surviving spouse. Who is eligible for the Michigan Disabled Veteran Homestead Property Tax Credit? To be eligible for the exemption the Veteran must be a Michigan resident, received an honorable discharge from the U.S. Armed Forces and meet one of the following requirements: Permanent and total service-connected disability rating from the VA Received financial assistance from the VA for specially adapted housing Rated by the VA as individually unemployable An unremarried, resident surviving spouse of a disabled Veteran is also eligible for this exemption. To apply applicants must submit a completed Affidavit for Disabled Veterans Exemption to their local assessor. PACT ACT (GULF WAR, POST-9/11 ERA): The PACT Act, signed into law August 10, 2022, expands health care eligibility to several groups of Veterans who may not have been eligible before: Veterans who participated in a toxic exposure risk activity (as defined by law) while serving on active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training. Veterans assigned to a duty station in (including airspace above) certain locations during specific periods of time on or after:
Veterans who deployed in support of:
As of November 8, 2022, every Veteran enrolled for VA health care will receive an initial toxic exposure screening and a follow-up screening at least every five years. Eligible Veterans who have not enrolled in VA health care will have an opportunity to enroll and receive the screening. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Sarah Weaver, NP (Toxic Exposure Navigator) LTC Charles S. Kettles VA Medical Center VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System 2215 Fuller Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 Cell: (734)323-0194 Email: [email protected] Did you Know? Transportation to Medical Appointments: Livingston County Veterans Service Office (517)546-6338 (1420 Lawson Drive, Howell – near Kohl’s) can assist with transportation to medical appointments within a 50-mile radius (based upon space available) for Veterans and spouses of deceased Veterans. This program runs Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Additionally, the Howell Community Based Outpatient Clinic (located on Grand River near Home Depot) does runs to the VA Ann Arbor (morning, noon and afternoon). Requests for transportation should be scheduled 72 hours in advance and requested through Livingston County Veterans Service Office (517)546-6338. LETS Public Transportation – Livingston County (Transportation Mobility Manager {517- 540-7467}) provides transportation from 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., 7-days each week at a reduced or potentially at no cost based upon an individual review. FILE FOR VA SERVICE CONNECTED BENEFITS: Two resources listed below are available to assist you in filing for service connected disability benefits through the VA. Veteran Service Officer Brian Brooks (Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency) Phone: (517)599-5736 Email: [email protected] Hours: (Tues/Weds at American Legion Post 141, Howell: 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.) Note: Days may change due to holidays. Please call, text or email to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome. July 2024 June 2024 Military Sexual Trauma Counseling What is military sexual trauma counseling? Military sexual trauma counseling may include individual or group counseling, marital and family counseling, referral for benefits assistance, liaison with community agencies or substance abuse information and referral to help you deal with the emotions of military sexual trauma and regain confidence in your everyday life. Am I eligible for military sexual trauma counseling at Vet Centers? Any Veteran, or Service member to include members of the National Guard and Reserve forces, who was sexually traumatized while serving in the military is eligible to receive counseling regardless of gender or era of service. Where are services available? Assessment and referral for MST-related counseling is available at all Vet Centers. Onsite counseling is available at selected Vet Centers across the country. In addition, MST-related medical and mental health services are available at your local VA Medical Center and can be accessed by contacting the Military Sexual Trauma Coordinator or your existing VA healthcare provider. Did you Know 2 nd Lt. Alma Cooper is also Miss Michigan and a graduate of West Point/ She is a proud Michigan resident and is from Okemos. She gives a special message about Women Veteran’s Recognition Day which occurred on June 12th . Women Veterans Recognition Day 2024 ( May 2024 Gulf War Exposures Gulf War Veterans may have been exposed to a variety of environmental and chemical hazards that carried potential health risks. Join the Gulf War Registry and the Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry to document your exposures and health concerns. Veterans who served in the Gulf during Operation Desert Shield, Operation Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, or Operation New Dawn are eligible for the Gulf War Registry exam. You do not need to be enrolled in VA health care to take part. Contact your VA Environmental Health Coordinator for more information and to set up an exam. VA Ann Arbor Health Care System 2215 Fuller Road Ann Arbor, MI 48105 Mark Billings (734) 845-3999 [email protected] Go to this link for more information on the Gulf War Registry. Gulf War Registry Health Exam for Veterans - Public Health ( Veterans Canteen Service (VCS) is introducing an online service for ordering contact lenses, giving Veterans and their VA caregivers a quick and convenient way to get prescription contacts. The new VCS PatriotVision website allows Veterans, their families, their caregivers and VA employees the opportunity to order prescription contacts with free standard delivery. Partnering with NextDayContacts, VCS is offering top name brands, including Acuvue, Dailies, Biofinity, Air Optix and more. Buy Contacts Online | VCS Patriot Vision ( Did you Know? This is not an ad for Meijer but rather evidence of changing support for Veterans positively by some businesses. Effective this month, Meijer is making two impactful changes:
April 2024 Unemployment for Guard members If you know of any National Guard or Air Guard there is now unemployment compensation for National Guard members coming off 180 days of continuous active-duty service. Unemployment Compensation For Soldiers | The Official Army Benefits Website Eligibility Members of the Army National Guard released from active duty due to completion of mobilization tour or other active duty tour may file a claim for unemployment compensation the day after the date on line 12b of the DD Form 214. Criteria for eligibility to be paid unemployment compensation include reason of separation, characterization of service, and other eligibility requirements such as able to work, available for suitable full-time work, and be seeking work. Members of the Army Reserve or National Guard must have completed 180 days of continuous active-duty service to be eligible for Unemployment Compensation. Unemployment Compensation For Airmen | An Official Air Force Benefits Website ( Eligibility Drilling members of the Air National Guard are not normally eligible for Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Service members. If recently released from active duty due to completion of mobilization tour or other active duty tour, they may file a claim for unemployment compensation the day after the date on line 12b of the DD214. Criteria for eligibility to be paid unemployment compensation include reason of separation, characterization of service, and other eligibility requirements such as able to work, available for suitable full-time work, and be seeking work. Members of the Air Force Reserve or Air National Guard must have completed 180 days of continuous active-duty service to be eligible for Unemployment Compensation Did you Know? Livingston County Veteran Services provides door-to-door transportation services for Veterans. To schedule a ride call LETS at 517-546-6600 and tell the dispatcher you are a veteran. Transportation is provided for VA medical centers and medical appointments up to 50 miles away as well as the LCVS offices. They have wheelchair-accessible vehicles.March 2024 Pending Legislation Since 2004, veterans who have a disability rating of at least 50% have received their full military retirement pay and disability benefits, a combined total that can amount to several thousand dollars each month. But veterans who have a disability rating of less than 50% are subject to dollar-for-dollar offsets under federal rules. That can mean a loss of several hundred dollars a month for some individuals who depend on those stipends to supplement their family income. The Richard Star Act — named for an Army veteran who died in 2021 of cancer related to burn pit exposure in Iraq and Afghanistan — would allow all combat-wounded veterans medically discharged before serving 20 years to receive both retirement and disability pay, without any reductions. Veterans must be eligible for Combat-Related Special Compensation to qualify. This Bill has passed the House and I will continue to follow to see if it is approved and adopted. Air Assault Badge If a veteran served, assigned or attached, in a combat unit in the 101 st during Vietnam and was never awarded the Air Assault Badge, they may be entitled to honorary air assault wings. These may not be worn with a uniform but can be worn on civilian clothes and hats. The application is attached. Veterans Memorial Project: Veterans Memorial Project 2024 - Livingston County, MI ( This spring, the Howell Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation, in collaboration with local partners, is fundraising to upgrade the Veterans Memorial with six jet-black granite stones representing U.S. military badges and lighting enhancements. The project costs $25,000, aiming for a $10,000 goal by April for Veteran's Day 2024 installations. Contributions are welcome at their office, supporting a tribute to Veterans in downtown Howell. The Foundation, a 501c3 organization, ensures all donations benefit the project for educational and public welfare purposes in Livingston County. You can also donate at this link Howell Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation ( Did you Know? Medal of Honor Day, observed annually on March 25th in the United States, honors the heroism and sacrifice of Medal of Honor recipients. Established by Congress in 1991 and celebrated since, the date commemorates the presentation of the first Medals of Honor on March 25, 1863. This day was chosen to honor the valor of individuals who have distinguished themselves in military service, focusing public appreciation and recognition on these heroes. February 2024 VA Rule change for Agent Orange Thousands of aging veterans with identified illnesses who were stationed at U.S. bases where Agent Orange and other herbicides were tested, stored or used between 1940 and 1970 will become eligible for disability benefits under a proposed rule change that the Department of Veterans Affairs disclosed Friday. The proposed rule change announced in the Federal Register represents the first time that all former service members who trained at certain U.S. locations where the defoliant was present will be able to qualify for disability benefits, the VA said. The U.S. military locations are in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Montana, New York, Tennessee, Texas and Utah. The proposed rule change would grant “presumptive benefit” status to veterans who developed certain cancers, heart conditions, and other illnesses after being stationed in locations where the U.S. military tested, stored, or used Agent Orange and other herbicides. Read more at: benefits-vietnam-12954239.html Source - Stars and Stripes Did you Know? For all of us gun owners, There are new state laws to be aware of starting February 13, 2024 A state law that aims to protect Michigan families, and particularly children, from the tragedies of gun tragedies and unintentional firearms injuries takes effect today, Feb. 13. The new secure storage law, Public Act 17 of 2023, requires individuals to keep unattended weapons unloaded and locked with a locking device or stored in a locked box or container if it is reasonably known that a minor is likely to be present on the premises. If an individual fails to store a firearm as required and a minor obtains the firearm, that individual could be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the outcome. If the minor discharges a firearm and inflicts death on themselves or another individual, for example, it’s a felony that’s punishable by up to 15 years in prison or a fine of up to $10,000, or both. January 2024 Did you Know? Fisher House Foundation is known for supporting the military community, including providing a “home away from home” for military and Veteran families near military medical centers while their loved ones are hospitalized. The nonprofit foundation created the Scholarships for Military Children program in 2001 in partnership with the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) to recognize the contributions of military families to the readiness of the fighting force and celebrate the role commissaries play in enhancing the military quality of life. “With Scholarships for Military Children headed into its 24th year, it remains an honor and a pleasure for us at the Defense Commissary Agency to partner with a foundation so dedicated to the military community and families,” said Todd Heasley, DeCA’s scholarships program liaison. “It is a true blessing to see the investment in military children toward their ultimate success.” The scholarship program has received more than 117,500 applications and awarded more than $23 million in scholarships over the last 23 years. These grants are funded by contributions from commissary business partners, such as manufacturers, suppliers or vendors, as well as donations the foundation receives towards Fisher House Scholarships. “The Defense Commissary Agency has been an excellent partner in providing scholarships for the children of the men and women who make up our armed services,” said Ken Fisher, chairman and CEO of Fisher House Foundation. Eligibility requirements According to the foundation, to be eligible for selection, applicants must Be unmarried military dependents under the age of 23 o who possess a valid Uniformed Services ID card; and o whose parent/sponsor is active duty, guard/reserve, deceased or retired from the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard or Space Force Be enrolled or planning to enroll full-time in the fall 2024 o in a U.S.-credited undergraduate college or university; or o in a program of studies designed to transfer directly into a four- year program Have earned a cumulative GPA (on a 4.0 basis) of at least o 3.0 for current high school students o 2.5 for current college students What applicants need to know For academic year 2024-2025, the program will award 500 scholarship grants of $2,000 each. Applications must be completed and submitted by Wednesday Feb. 14, 2024, at 11:59 PM PST. Scholarship Managers (SM), which independently manages the entire application and selection process, will select at least one recipient for each commissary location that receives qualified applications. SM will make additional selections in proportion to the number of applicants from each commissary. Applicants must complete the application, write and submit a 500-word essay on a specific topic, and provide evidence of meeting the eligibility requirements, such as transcripts and enrollment in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System database. For more information on program rules/requirements and answers to frequently asked questions, please visit December 2023 More than 500,000 claims for toxic exposure-related benefits have been filed under the PACT Act since it became law 10 August 2022. To date, VA has awarded more than $1 billion in earned benefits to veterans and survivors who filed PACT Act-related claims. Have you checked to see what you are eligible for? Travel and Hotel Benefits Veterans get exclusive deals on hotels, flights, rental cars, cruises, packages and event tickets. is a Department of Defense online leisure travel website managed by Morale, Welfare and Recreation. This has been expanded so that all veterans with honorable or general under honorable conditions discharges are eligible. They guarantee the lowest price (with conditions of course). See for more information. Caregiver Support Resource Fair The VA Caregiver Support Program (CSP) is moving forward in its commitment to reach every caregiver of a Veteran in need of support and is continuing to host Caregiver and Family Resource Fairs at every VA facility across the country. Through resource fairs, caregivers and families of Veterans can access information about support, services, and resources targeted to help them and the Veterans in their lives. The information provided is tailored to meet the specific needs of caregivers with topics ranging from VA services to support available through organizations within the caregivers’ local communities. To find out when ours is coming up, call the Ann Arbor Caregiver Support Program at (734) 222-7101. Internship in Cyber Security As part of an effort to address critical workforce gaps across government, the Department of Veterans Affairs is gearing up to launch a federal cybersecurity apprenticeship program this summer that will provide underserved veterans with the training needed to safeguard personal data and IT systems from an array of cyber threats. See the full article in NextGov, to learn more. Claims Agent now available at our POST Brian Brooks ( retired Army) will be holding office hours at our POST and is very excited to be available to our members. Those days and times are yet to be determined, however, he is available to us now and I can put you in contact with him for an appointment. As a reminder, I cannot process your claim only a claims agent can do so. I can, however, get you prepared for that claim and put you in contact with Brain or Livingston Veteran Services who also have agents. Scams This time of year is a heightened threat of scams from those trying to steal your identity, gain access to your accounts, etc. Be cautious of anyone you don’t know and what information you give. Last year at this time scammers were representing themselves as agents of USAA bank and Navy Federal Credit Union, targeting veterans asking for personal information on the phone. Never give any information on the phone or email. Here are some other tips;
Did you Know? • In 2021, suicide was the 13th-leading cause of death for Veterans overall, and the second-leading cause of death among Veterans under the age of 45 years old. • There were 6,392 Veteran suicide deaths in 2021. This was 114 more than in 2020. • In 2021, there were 6,042 suicide deaths among Veteran men and 350 suicide deaths among Veteran women. • The unadjusted rate of suicide in 2021 among U.S. Veterans was 33.9 per 100,000, up from 32.6 per 100,000 in 2020. • In 2021, unadjusted suicide rates were highest among Veterans between ages 18- and 34-years-old, followed by those aged 35- to 54-years-old. • In 2021, the unadjusted suicide rate was 46.3 per 100,000 for American Indian or Alaska Native Veterans; 36.3 per 100,000 for White Veterans; 31.6 per 100,000 for Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Veterans; 17.4 per 100,000 for Black or African American Veterans; and 6.7 per 100,000 for Veterans of multiple races. • In 2021, the unadjusted suicide rate was 19.7 per 100,000 for Veterans with Hispanic ethnicity, and it was 33.4 per 100,000 for other Veterans. ( VA Suicide Prevention Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention November 2023, 2021 report) ) Many nationwide initiatives are currently addressing this crisis. However, it takes all of us and we can always play our part in watching out for each other and recognizing signs of stress in each other. For further information from this report go to this link and refer to the last several pages for the list of initiatives. -will-focus-training-underserved-veterans/385247/ No More COVID delays Beginning 10 June, the VA is no longer allowing COVID concerns as a reason for rescheduling a Compensation or Pension. November 2023 WASHINGTON — Today, the Department of Veterans Affairs announced that all World War II Veterans are now eligible for no-cost VA inpatient and outpatient health care. Under this expansion, all WWII Veterans who served between Dec. 7, 1941, and Dec. 31, 1946, are now eligible for VA health care, regardless of their length of service or financial status. These Veterans will not have to pay inpatient or outpatient copays, enrollment fees, or monthly premiums. Nursing home care is free (no copays) for nearly all World War II Veterans who are eligible for nursing home services at VA, including 1) anyone in need of such care for a service-connected disability, (2) anyone in need of such care who also has a service-connected disability rated at 70 percent or more. However, contrary to the language of the release, not all World War II Veterans are eligible for nursing home care under this new law. Additionally, as stated in the release, all World War II Veterans are eligible for VA health care and will not have to pay inpatient or outpatient copays. However, these Veterans may still have to pay modest copayments for medication or urgent care or long-term care in some cases, depending on their eligibility and service connection. Camp Lejeune Family Member Program From August 1, 1953, through December 31, 1987, people living at the U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, were potentially exposed to drinking water contaminated with industrial solvents, benzene, and other chemicals. On August 6, 2012, the Honoring America’s Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act of 2012 was signed into law. This law (H.R. 1627, now Public Law 112-154) requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide health care to Veterans who served on active duty at Camp Lejeune and to reimburse eligible Camp Lejeune Family Members (CLFM) for eligible health care costs related to one or more of 15 specified illnesses or conditions illustrated in the list below.
Note: As of November 11, 2023, Parkinson's disease is now a covered neurobehavioral condition. Go to this page to start an application CLFMP - Applicant Information ( What if I don’t want to complete an online application? You may download a copy of the paper form and fax to (512) 460-5536 or mail to: Department of Veterans Affairs Financial Services Center PO BOX 149200 Austin, TX 78714-9200 WWII Veterans eligible for Healthcare All World War II veterans are now eligible for no-cost VA inpatient and outpatient health care. Under this expansion, all WWII veterans who served between Dec. 7, 1941, and Dec. 31, 1946, are now eligible for VA health care, regardless of their length of service or financial status. These veterans will not have to pay inpatient or outpatient copays, enrollment fees or monthly premiums. VA is reaching out by phone and mail to encourage WWII veterans who are not currently enrolled in VA care to apply today. Veterans who enroll may also keep their private providers, Medicare and most other insurance to meet their health care needs. According to VA estimates, there were 9,558 WWII veterans living in Michigan in 2020. That number was projected to fall nearly 80% over the next five years, to 1,916 WWII veterans in 2025. Did you Know The Livingston County Homeless Continuum of Care is excited to be planning Community Connect 2024, which will be held on Saturday, February 3, 2024 at 2|42 Community Church in Brighton. We’re looking forward to bringing our residents another day of connection with services, free resources, and plenty of helpful information. If this is the first time you’ve heard of Community Connect, it is a free one-day event with 50+ public service and agency exhibitors who provide residents with helpful basic need information, free personal care items, and services like health screenings and haircuts. Over 500 people regularly attend the event and 2024 will be its’ 17th year running. We’d like to ask you to help us spread the news of Community Connect 2024 and all that it has to offer those in need in our community. The more we can share social media posts, add the event to newsletters, and hang up fliers, the more we will be able to reach those who will benefit from attending the most. Be sure to follow us on Facebook at to stay up to date with all that will be offered at the event. The main audience of this event tends to be seniors and those in need. Over the years we’ve found that these people tend to respond the best to printed materials like handouts and posters. We’ve attached our “Save The Date” poster in both full page and half page formats that you are welcome to print yourself and distribute. (We’re also happy to provide a bundle of printed posters for you, just email Amy Johnston at the address below with how many you need, where you’ll distribute them, and if you’d like full page or half page.) To help us make our community aware of the event, feel free to have these posters handy at any event or giveaway you have, post somewhere where the public can see, or have available at your office for people to pick up. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to spread this valuable information. If you have any questions, please email Amy Johnston at [email protected]. October 2023 Important PACT Act Update: ( Reminder) If you missed the deadline for filing your application for the PACT Act, you can still apply. although you won't be eligible for back pay dating back to August 2022, you can still receive benefits. You have the option to apply with any Veteran Services officer or claims agent either directly with the VA in Ann Arbor or through Livingston Veteran Services. If you need assistance finding an agent, please reach out to me, and I'll be glad to help. VA Pension A VA pension is a tax-free monthly benefit for certain low-income, wartime veterans or their survivors. It is not based on the number of years you served, but on your financial need, disability and/or age. To qualify for a VA pension, you must have at least 90 days of active duty service, with at least one day during a recognized wartime period. You must also meet certain income and net worth limits set by Congress. VA recognizes the following wartime periods to determine eligibility for VA Pension benefits:
Both of these must be true:
And at least one of these must be true about your service:
Did you know? Helmets to Hardhats - Michigan. Veterans interested in a construction career or skilled-trades training and registered apprenticeships can look to Helmets to Hardhats, a nonprofit organization with a growing Michigan presence. Apprenticeships come at no cost to the veteran and they can use Montgomery G.I. Bill benefits to supplement their income. Sam Dougherty, the organization’s Michigan representative, noted that employers can post job openings for free at SkillBridge. The U.S. Department of Defense’s SkillBridge program gives service members an opportunity to gain civilian work experience through specific industry training, apprenticeships or internships during the last 180 days of service. SkillBridge connects transitioning service members with industry partners in real-world job experiences. Don Wright of Rocket Companies said SkillBridge “is one the best ways we can attract transitioning veterans into our companies right now.” Wright also noted that the SkillBridge team is small, so employers looking to register with the program need to be persistent. Wright is senior talent relationship manager for Rocket’s Veteran Hiring Program. Job Accommodation Network (JAN). A service of the U.S. Department of Labor, JAN provides free, one-on-one practical guidance and technical assistance on job accommodation solutions, Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related legislation, and self-employment and entrepreneurship options for people with disabilities. Bridge My Return. Bridge My Return (BMR) gives transitioning service members, veterans and their spouses and caregivers real-time matches to jobs with military-ready employers, real-world coaching advice and a professional resume—all at no cost. BMR founder Bob Hogan said he created the company to attack the persistent problem of veteran underemployment—or veterans working in typically lower-paying jobs that don’t match their advanced skillets and abilities. It takes about 20-30 minutes to complete a BMR profile; after that, the BMR software works for the veteran 24/7. As new jobs are added, the veteran is matched to new opportunities. Plus, the BMR application automatically creates a personalized resume you can immediately share with BMR employer partners or other employers you approach separately. Veterans' Employment Services (VES). A division of the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity, VES helps veterans and their families secure meaningful careers in Michigan. The concept of veterans helping veterans is a trademark of the VES team and one of the keys to its success. Veterans face many challenges when transitioning out of the military – finding meaningful employment should not be one of them.
In a unique initiative that will open up thousands of job opportunities for veterans, Michigan is waiving its requirement of a bachelor’s degree for many state jobs if the veteran completed at least two years of active federal service in any branch at the rank of E-6 or above. Michigan appears to be the first state to waive the education requirements. The initiative was championed by the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency and approved by the Michigan Civil Service Commission. Learn more at Veterans interested in applying for a job with the State of Michigan can view openings on the state’s jobs website. September 2023 Disability Claims Agent now available at our POST Brian Brooks ( retired Army) will be holding office hours at our POST and is very excited to be available to our members. Those days and times are yet to be determined, however, he is available to us now and I can put you in contact with him for an appointment. As a reminder, I cannot process your claim only a claims agent can do so. I can, however, get you prepared for that claim and put you in contact with Brain or Livingston Veteran Services who also have agents. Scams This time of year is a heightened threat of scams from those trying to steal your identity, gain access to your accounts, etc. Be cautious of anyone you don’t know and what information you give. Last year at this time scammers were representing themselves as agents of USAA bank and Navy Federal Credit Union, targeting veterans asking for personal information on the phone. Never give any information on the phone or email. Here are some other tips;
Did you Know? • In 2021, suicide was the 13th-leading cause of death for Veterans overall, and the second-leading cause of death among Veterans under the age of 45 years old. • There were 6,392 Veteran suicide deaths in 2021. This was 114 more than in 2020. • In 2021, there were 6,042 suicide deaths among Veteran men and 350 suicide deaths among Veteran women. • The unadjusted rate of suicide in 2021 among U.S. Veterans was 33.9 per 100,000, up from 32.6 per 100,000 in 2020. • In 2021, unadjusted suicide rates were highest among Veterans between ages 18- and 34-years-old, followed by those aged 35- to 54-years-old. • In 2021, the unadjusted suicide rate was 46.3 per 100,000 for American Indian or Alaska Native Veterans; 36.3 per 100,000 for White Veterans; 31.6 per 100,000 for Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Veterans; 17.4 per 100,000 for Black or African American Veterans; and 6.7 per 100,000 for Veterans of multiple races. • In 2021, the unadjusted suicide rate was 19.7 per 100,000 for Veterans with Hispanic ethnicity, and it was 33.4 per 100,000 for other Veterans. ( VA Suicide Prevention Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention November 2023, 2021 report) ) Many nationwide initiatives are currently addressing this crisis. However, it takes all of us and we can always play our part in watching out for each other and recognizing signs of stress in each other. For further information from this report go to this link and refer to the last several pages for the list of initiatives. August 2023 Livingston County Veteran Services Event: The Livingston County Veteran Services is organizing a 9/11 Never Forget 5K run walk on September 16th. This event aims to honor the memory of 9/11 and support veterans. You can register for the event using the following link: Volunteers are also needed for the event. If you're interested in helping out, please sign up here: Important PACT Act Update: If you missed the deadline for filing your application for the PACT Act, you can still apply. although you won't be eligible for back pay dating back to August 2022, you can still receive benefits. You have the option to apply with any Veteran Services officer or claims agent either directly with the VA in Ann Arbor or through Livingston Veteran Services. If you need assistance finding an agent, please reach out to me, and I'll be glad to help. Did you know? The American military employs almost 1,600 military working dogs (MWDs) to be deployed nearly everywhere their military is, implying the importance of these service dogs. These dogs are highly skilled, having gone through rigorous training and they definitely deserve some recognition after years of service. ( MPRA DISPATCH 2023) July 2023 I am your new Post Service Officer ( PSO) and dedicated to assisting our Veterans in finding the services that they need, Those services extend past medical and includes any sort of assistance where I can help a veteran find the resources they need. As an example, I located resources for a Veteran who owns a business to access local government bids which his business would qualify. Please contact me and I will endeavor to find you the resource you need. My office hours are 1600-1800 Wednesdays at the Post. ( Email [email protected]) Phone number (810-772-4104 )The Livingston County Veteran Services Office in Howell has offered me their conference room as an alternative site if a Veteran does not want to meet at the Post. I can also , by appointment, meet a Veteran off site if needed at a location that they are comfortable with. ~Dave Harvey Livingston County Veteran Services Livingston County Veteran Services office is also available to any veteran who needs to utilize a meeting space such as their conference room. They also provide access to a computer and printer. Livingston Veteran Services also offers an Emergency Relief Fund. This is a one-time payment for unforeseen events. The veteran will need to show income and bank statements to prove an inability to afford the event. You would file for this at the Veteran Services office in Howell. Important PACT Act Date If you get your PACT Act claim filed before 10 August 2023, your retro paycheck will go back to 10August 2022 – the day the PACT Act was signed by the President. If you file your claim after that magic date, your retro check will only go back to the day you filed your claim or filed your notice of intent to file a claim. I assisted a Veteran with regard to a possible appeal on a determination on his claim. However, he did receive his initial benefit in 8 months from the time he filed which he did with the Livingston County Veteran Services office Veterans Crisis Line Signed into law in 2020, the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act authorized 988 as the new three-digit number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. As part of the law, all telephone service providers in the U.S. had to activate the number no later than July 16, 2022. Veterans can use this new option by dialing 988 and pressing 1 to contact the Veterans Crisis Line. Veterans may still reach the Veterans Crisis Line with the previous phone number--1-800-273-8255 and Press 1—by text (838255), and through chat ( June 2023 It’s Not a Joke More than 500,000 claims for toxic exposure-related benefits have been filed under the PACT Act since it became law 10 August 2022. To date, VA has awarded more than $1 billion in earned benefits to veterans and survivors who filed PACT Act-related claims. Have you checked to see what you are eligible for? Travel and Hotel Benefits Veterans get exclusive deals on hotels, flights, rental cars, cruises, packages and event tickets. is a Department of Defense online leisure travel website managed by Morale, Welfare and Recreation. This has been expanded so that all veterans with honorable or general under honorable conditions discharges are eligible. They guarantee the lowest price (with conditions of course). See for more information. Caregiver Support Resource Fair The VA Caregiver Support Program (CSP) is moving forward in its commitment to reach every caregiver of a Veteran in need of support and is continuing to host Caregiver and Family Resource Fairs at every VA facility across the country. Through resource fairs, caregivers and families of Veterans can access information about support, services, and resources targeted to help them and the Veterans in their lives. The information provided is tailored to meet the specific needs of caregivers with topics ranging from VA services to support available through organizations within the caregivers’ local communities. To find out when ours is coming up, call the Ann Arbor Caregiver Support Program at (734) 222-7101. Internship in Cyber Security As part of an effort to address critical workforce gaps across government, the Department of Veterans Affairs is gearing up to launch a federal cybersecurity apprenticeship program this summer that will provide underserved veterans with the training needed to safeguard personal data and IT systems from an array of cyber threats. See the full article in NextGov, to learn more. No More COVID delays Beginning 10 June, the VA is no longer allowing COVID concerns as a reason for rescheduling a Compensation or Pension. May 2023 VA and Dod Are Running Credit Checks If you use DS Logon to access your health records, VA comp claim information, Dependent records, etc., you may be required to prove who you are. Do not be surprised if they ask for a credit card or a credit report because a third-party vendor uses that information to run what is called a soft credit check to verify who you are. You do not need to submit to that if you are willing to go to one of the places where you can have your identity verified in person instead of on-line. Further information is available online at Support for your Caregiver Who helps you get to your appointments, helps make sure you get your meds, helps with your rehab and does for you what you can’t? That person is called a caregiver. Our families have been doing this work for decades. Now the VA wants to help the caregiver and you both. The VA has two programs. One is a general resource for caregivers. It provides training for stress reduction as well as for how to do the specific things the veterans need. There is supportive counseling and arranges for time off or “respite care” so the caregiver stays healthy. The other adds services for caregivers who basically have a full-time job of caregiving. To learn more about these programs, click here: Important PACT Act Date If you get your PACT Act claim filed before 10 August 2023, your retro paycheck will go back to 10 August 2022 – the day the PACT Act was signed by the President. If you file your claim after that magic date, your retro check will only go back to the day you filed your claim or filed your notice of intent to file a claim. Ask the Question It’s never a comfortable conversation to have when you are worried about someone you know and care about. “Are you thinking of hurting yourself? Are you having thoughts of killing yourself?” These are the questions that we desperately need to start asking. You will NOT put the idea in someone’s head. If you are worried enough to ask, the thought is probably already there. Please start asking these questions if you are worried. You can refer to this link for tips on the conversation you need to have. You can also contact Jon, Fredo or Wendy personally or refer to for more information. April 2023 No Compensation Cut Although the Congressional Budget Office proposed cutting compensation for veterans for earn more than $170,000 a year, VA Secretary Denis McDonough shot down the idea, saying the VA does not “think that's a good idea.” “We think it's a bad idea, and we're not going to do it. You have my commitment that we won't do it,” he said. Transition Employment Assistance for Military Spouses and Caregivers (TEAMS) TEAMS is a series of Department of Labor employment workshops that extend the Department’s Transition Assistance Program to assist military spouses and caregivers as they plan and prepare for their job search in pursuit of their employment goals. See for more details. Women Veterans ConferenceThis year’s Women Veterans Conference will be held Oct. 19-22 at the beautiful UAW Black Lake Conference Center in Onaway! Please save the date — conference details, including registration information, will be released soon.If you would like to be put on an email list to get up to date information, please email [email protected] Request For Proposals -- please submit by July 31 at 5 p.m. MASKS! Masks are no longer required at community outpatient clinics, like ours in Howell, though they are still encouraged. They are still mandatory in Ann Arbor. Free PGA Pro Golf Training PGA HOPE (Helping Our Patriots Everywhere) is the flagship military program of PGA REACH, the charitable foundation of the PGA of America. PGA HOPE introduces golf to Veterans and Active Duty Military to enhance their physical, mental, social and emotional well-being. This is a free six to eight week training program for veterans. Call (517) 641-7421 or go to for more information. Add your people to VA Video Health Sessions Just as you could bring people to your in-person appointments, you may also bring them to your video appointments. Just let your provider know to send an invite to them via email. March 2023 PACT Act Open House Livingston County Veterans Services will be holding a PACT Act briefing on 23 March at 0930 through 1130 at their office on 1420 Lawson Drive, Howell, 48843. There is no charge. DD-214 Online Request You don’t have to write to the National Personnel Records Center to get your DD-214 anymore. There is now an online process. If your DD-214 has been scanned into the system, you should get an electronic copy emailed to you much faster than the two years it takes to get it in hard copy from Saint Louis. Go to to ask for yours. You might want to call 800 642-4838 (MVAA) to see if they have it first. They will respond the same day, if they have yours. American Legion Lawyer for Camp Lejeune cases The American Legion has entered into an agreement with Bergmann & Moore, LLC to handle Camp Lejuene cases for American Legion members. One of the benefits is that the total legal fee is capped at 33.33% of the recovery, rather than costs plus 1/3 of the recovery. You are allowed and advised to pursue both the lawsuit and your VA Compensation claims at the same time. You can go to to start the case, or you can call (800) 898-9450. Vietnam Veterans Day, 29 May For those in this room, thanking and welcoming home a Vietnam Era Veteran is nothing new. Our members value everyone who ever wore an American military uniform, not matter when or where they served. But for the nation, this is still an unlearned lesson. For example, even though we now fly the POW-MIA flag under the US Flag on all federal buildings, our efforts to recover POWs and MIAs from Vietnam pales in comparison to recovery operations for all servicemembers of all other periods. The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency reports that of the 166 bodies that were recovered during the 2022 fiscal year, only 2 were from the Vietnam war and those were recovered by Vietnam searchers, not by the DoD. February 2023 Things you should know: Suicide Prevention Training VA SAVE may help you act with care and compassion if you encounter a Veteran who is in crisis or experiencing suicidal thoughts. The acronym S.A.V.E. helps you remember the important steps involved in suicide prevention: A Private Crisis Line Vets4Warriors, by Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care Nation Calle Center provides a service similar to the VA Crisis Line without having to talk to the computer first and with only veteran counselors. It is available to all active, reserve and guard military personnel, veterans, family members and caregivers. Call or text (855) 838-8255 or chat online at Don’t Forget Your Education Benefits Those who are still in service who don’t want to go back to school can transfer their Pot 9/11 education benefits to their dependents. Even if you don’t see yourself studying rocket science in a regular classroom, there are many other training programs that qualify for GI Bill from truck driving to construction and beyond. There is even a program for veterans who want to learn how to start their own business. Your help is needed The PACT Act is giving lots of press to our exposures to all kinds of toxins in all kinds of places. The VA is moving to implement the PACT’s provisions that might result in you getting better healthcare. It is also interviewing us to see if we should be on one of the toxin registries. However, it is not moving so fast to protect our children. It is requiring us to sue them to implement the research provisions of the prior toxic exposure acts. You can help overcome this by making sure you and your offspring are registered with – a private organization that is doing the government’s job of studying the health impacts of toxins on following generations. For more information, visit Also do not ignore the letters you get from the VA saying that you may be entitled to enroll on one or more registries or apply for toxin related compensation. January 2023 Things you should know: Free Acute Suicidal Crises Care According to the American Legion national website, starting Jan. 17, veterans in acute suicidal crisis will be able to go to any VA or non-VA health care facility for emergency health care at no cost. Veterans do not need to be enrolled in the VA system to use this benefit. The benefit includes inpatient crisis residential care for up to 30 days and outpatient care for up to 90 days. VSO Office Hours Change Effective Immediately, office hours will be on Tuesday from 1500 to 1700 (instead of from noon to 1400). If you need help or want to refer somebody for help, you may also call or text (517) 258-2167 or send email to [email protected]. Community Care: If the VA has approved you to get urgent care but the place you go can’t find that you are eligible, please ask them to call the verification number for our area: 888-901-6609. Some of the urgent care facilities are calling the west coast, not the Midwest for verification. Nexus Letters: Several high-ranking Ann Arbor VA officials have assured me that VA medical professionals are authorized and encouraged to write nexus letters for veterans when the facts warrant it. If you or a vet you know is denied a nexus letter because of “VA policy” please make sure the “policy” they refer to is based on the facts of the case, not a general rule. In other words, if a doctor isn’t familiar with your military history and can’t say for sure you banged your head on a bulkhead, policy would prevent the doctor from writing a nexus letter because the facts don’t justify it. But if the doctor sees that you banged your head, then a nexus letter is authorized and encouraged when the doctor can say that it is as likely as not that banging your head caused the injury you now have. If you or a veteran you know has been wrongfully denied a nexus letter, please let me know. I’ve been told that VA officials will review these cases with me. December 2022 November 2022 Things you should know: File Notice of Intent Now If you file a VA Form 21-0966 VA Notice of Intent to File a Claim today, you have one year from today to file the claim. If you win, your retroactive pay will go back to today, not the day you filed the claim. If you are wondering if you qualify for something, file the notice today, then you have up to a year to gather documents, talk to experts and get your claim filed. Nexus Letters: Some veterans are being told that the VA doctors are not allowed to complete Nexus Letters* or Disability Benefits Questionnaires**. The official policy says that is not true, but the VA currently has no plan to enforce its policy. Therefore the American Legion needs to know specific instances where a doctor has told a veteran that they are prohibited from doing benefit paperwork. If you or somebody you know is in this situation, please let me know the doctors name, the date (more or less) and facility where the statement was made. Not only will that data be used to get you the help you need, but it will also be used by Michigan Department to help the VA’s Inspector General understand that this is a systemic problem that needs to be resolved quickly. Lifetime National Park Pass for Veterans All veterans, reservists and guard members are entitled free entry into national parks and other federal facilities. You can still get into many facilities with your ID card, but if you don’t have one, you need to get a pass. The pass they issue now is a lifetime pass. Go to for a list of places you can get a pass. Seniors and disabled can get theirs online for a small fee at Buddy To Buddy Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency is another place to call for resources of all kinds. Their number is 1-800-MICH-VET. (800) 642-4838. They also run the Buddy to Buddy program. Buddies are folks who share some of your experiences. You can talk to them about the road ahead of you and about how they handled their challenges. They also help you get connected to the resources you need. Do you think you might be a good buddy? Send an email to [email protected] to get more information and to learn about an online information session about becoming a mentor. Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 (Part of the PACT ACT) This law allows certain folks to sue the United States for damage caused by 30 days or more of exposure to Camp Lejeune water. But, if you win, your award must be offset by any payment you receive from the VA, Medicaid or Medicare. So, the rumor of the “giveback” is true, but limited to Camp Lejeune water lawsuits. The giveback includes payments made to the veteran or veteran’s representative. It does not appear to include payments made to surviving spouses or dependents. * A “Nexus Letter” is a written opinion from an expert that says your current health problem was caused by an event that happened while you were in the military. ** A “Disability Benefits Questionnaire” is a long form that is filled out by an expert and that is used by VA raters to determine if you have a disability, whether it is service connected and, if so, how severe the disability is according to the appropriate rating table. October 2022 The (PACT) Act expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to burn pits and other toxic substance. This historic new law empowers VA to provide generations of Veterans – and their survivors – with the care and benefits they have earned. Please join staff members of VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System for an important Veteran Town Hall on Thursday, October 20th, at 10:00 a.m. to receive an overview of the PACT Act, how it will help VA serve Veterans, the new and expanded health care and benefits options outlined in the law, and answers questions you may have. Join Microsoft Teams meeting on your computer, mobile app or room device: Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 222 799 044 915 Passcode: u4xtZ9 Or call in (audio only): 1 872-701-0185 Phone Conference ID: 964 115 080# Veteran Hiring Event Hire MI Vet is hosting a veteran hiring event at the Howell Armory on 10 November. 25 Livingston County area employers will be ready to hire veterans on the spot or at least get them through the interview phase. If you are looking for work, this is a great opportunity. Hire MI Vet would appreciate it if the Howell American Legion would send 7 volunteers to the event to assist veterans find their way around the Armory. Volunteers are needed from 0900 until 1300. The actual hiring event will be from 1000 to 1230. You are encouraged to help place crosses for the Veteran Suicide Awareness Presentation being cosponsored by our American Legion Riders and 222ADay.Org. We place the crosses everyday at 1815. If you know veterans who lost the battle to suicide, you may write their name on one of the crosses. Please keep your eyes out for folks who seem different from normal (for them). Ask them if they would like any kind of help knowing that if they say yes, your Legion Family can help you help them get the help they need. Suicides don’t happen as much for people who have hope that help is nearby.PAST REPORTS September 2022 If you have a claim pending, want to know if you are eligible for PACT Act benefits, want to sign up for VA healthcare or have other VA related questions, there will be a unique opportunity to get some answers. The VA and the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency are arranging phone appointments for one on one help. When you register for the event, you will be given an appointment sometime between 1000 and 1500 on 4, 5 or 6 October. You will receive a phone call from someone who will try to answer your questions. Click this link to request the appointment that works for you: Women Veterans Call Center The Women Veterans Call Center will help you navigate VA, point you in the right direction, and connect you with the Women Veterans Program Manager at your local VA medical center. You can call for yourself or on someone else’s behalf. Just call 855-829-6636. Suicide Awareness Month Please keep your eyes out for folks who seem different from normal (for them). Ask them if they would like any kind of help knowing that if they say yes, your Legion Family can help you help them get the help they need. Suicides don’t happen as much for people who have hope that help is nearby. Veteran Directed Care Program If a veteran suffers from an issue that makes it so that the veterans needs help with one or more of what they call “activities of daily living” (defined by the VA as “bathing, feeding, dressing, toileting, adjust prosthetic devices, meal preparation, medication management or protection from environmental hazards due to mental or physical incapacity”) the veteran is entitled to some at-home care. In the past, the VA would send somebody. Under the Veteran Directed Care Program, the veteran is given a care budget which they can use to hire their own caregivers (including family members), purchase approved goods and services and do other things to keep them independent. Have them ask their VA Primary Care Physician or a VA Social Worker for a referral to the Veteran Directed Care program. August 2022 PACT ACT PASSES:
What you should do If you don’t already get your healthcare at the VA, apply now. Even if you want to keep your civilian doc, apply now. The VA does work with civilian healthcare providers. If you applied for any compensation in the past for anything seeming like Gulf War Syndrome or a respiratory disease after serving in the sandbox, file you claim again now. Meet with your VSO to see if your medical records indicate that you have any presumptive conditions you need to be compensated for. It will help for your own healthcare, and for compensation and may help your dependents with healthcare and compensation if you register yourself and your next two generations of children at Similarly, it will help if you make sure you are on the VA’s Agent Orange registry and on the VA’s Burn Pit registry if you served in the sandbox or Vietnam area. July 2022 Mental Health Hotline: No more messing around with dialing a ten-digit number then waiting through an announcement and then dialing “1” to get mental health help in a hurry. Starting now, you should dial “988” instead. You can use this number for yourself or to get help dealing with a veteran who is experiencing a mental health emergency. Be advised, this number is used by civilians as well, so if you want help for a vet related issue, be sure to say so because they can directly connect you to folks who specialize in helping veterans and their caregivers and families. Vet Fest Last month I said that VetFest will be in Washtenaw instead of in Livingston. Turns out I was wrong. There will also be the Livingstong County VetFest, run by the same group as last year. The event runs from 1200 to 1600 on 13 August at the Fowlerville Fairgrounds. You do need a ticket which you get online at PACT Act If all goes well, the PACT Act will be law by our August meeting. The new law would do a lot of things for veterans, families and caregivers. Congress finally recognizes that military service comes with toxic exposures that cause long term illness, sometimes death too, both for the servicemembers and for their offspring. It beefs up the process for identifying veterans with toxic exposure, it calls for more studies about how offspring are impacted and to what extent and provides for faster and more complete treatment and compensation. Once it passes, you can see me for more details. Adaptive Housing needs Help You already know that certain disabled vets are entitled to a grant to fixup their house to make it useful for veterans with their particular disabilities. What you might not know is that the VA is looking for contractors to do those modifications and, surprisingly, it needs veterans with disabilities to use up the grant money that is available for those home remodeling projects. Please spread the word. Pimp my Ride There is also a similar program to adapt your vehicle to your needs in the context of your disabilities. Quickest way to get your DD-214? Call 800 642-4838 and ask them to send it to you. That number goes to the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency. They have many electronic DD-214’s on file. One of them might be yours. If you are old, you were told to record your DD-214 with the county clerk’s office. If you took that advice, you can get a copy there. June 2022 Washtenaw Vet Fest will be like the one we attended last year at the Fowlerville fairgrounds but put on by a different group – Veterans Community Action Team 9 (or VCAT9). 23 July from 1100 to 1500. Ticket required, but free. See for details. The other group’s VetFest will be in Roscommon County this year. Veteran Hiring Event We will be hosting a hiring event on 20 October 2022. To be successful, we’ll need 15 employers who have open jobs they want to fill with veterans. If you know of an employer that might be interested, please let me know or refer them to me. The other half of the event is helping veterans get ready to be hired. New Life Insurance Program In January 2023, VA will launch a new program offering, Veterans Affairs Life Insurance (VALife), which provides guaranteed acceptance whole-life insurance coverage to Veterans ages 80 and under with any level of service-connected disability. Although, some Veterans aged 81 and older may also be eligible. For more information, go to VA Canteen Offers Discount Eye Wear Get up to 35% off your next pair of glasses with Veterans Canteen Service (VCS) Rx Eyewear! Veterans enrolled in VA health care, their families, and caretakers have access to discounts on a wide variety of both prescription or regular glasses and sunglasses. Check for details. Just Got Back? If you just got home from service and are wondering about VA benefits, transition assistance and other related services, check out this online resource guide: This 51 page booklet is not anything you want to read from cover to cover, but it will outline your benefits and some resources available to you. If a topic interests you, there are additional details about it and how to apply for it, etc. May 2022 Need A Big Turnout Michigan attorney Lisa H Beatty will be here at 1830 on 25 May. She’s coming here on her own time to help you understand the 5 most important documents everyone should have and to answer your questions about living wills and estate planning. Nine New Presumptives for Sandbox Vets On April 26, VA announced the addition of nine rare respiratory cancers to the list of presumed service-connected disabilities due to exposure to fine particulate matter for Veterans who served any amount of time in Afghanistan, Djibouti, Syria or Uzbekistan during the Persian Gulf War, from September 19, 2001, to the present, or The Southwest Asia theater of operations from August 2, 1990, to the present. Veterans and survivors who had claims previously denied for any of the below respiratory cancers are encouraged to file a supplemental claim for benefits; Squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx; Squamous cell carcinoma of the trachea; Adenocarcinoma of the trachea; Salivary gland-type tumors of the trachea; Adenosquamous carcinoma of the lung; Large cell carcinoma of the lung; Salivary gland-type tumors of the lung; Sarcomatoid carcinoma of the lung and; Typical and atypical carcinoid of the lung. Learn Free Job-Ready Skills with Career Forward Veterans, transitioning service members, military spouses and military caregivers are eligible to participate in Career Forward for free. Learn job-ready skills and start a new career in under six months with help from Google Career Certificates available in data analytics, IT support, project management, or user experience design. Travel Benefit Expanded As of July 2021, all Veterans with a discharge status of honorable or general under honorable conditions are eligible to shop for a wide selection of discounted rates on hotels, air fare, rental cars, vacation packages, cruises and much more on American Forces Travel is the Department of Defense’s official Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) platform offering bookings for leisure travel. A portion of all bookings go back to support military quality of life programs. April 2022 Estate Planning Rain Replay Michigan attorney Lisa H Beatty will be here at 1830 on 25 May. She’s coming here on her own time to help you understand the 5 most important documents everyone should have and to answer your questions about living wills and estate planning. We didn’t have a good turn out last time due to weather and short notice. Please help get the word out. Commissary Benefit In 2020, commissary shopping benefits expanded to include more Veterans: Veterans with any VA-documented service-connected disabilities; Purple Heart recipients; Former prisoners of war; and Individuals assessed, approved and designated as primary family caregivers to eligible Veterans under VA’s Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers. Veterans and designated caregivers are encouraged to check their commissary privilege qualifications. The benefit can be used on line to some extent. Together We Served: This is a VA website that will help you connect with the people with whom you served. While it is offered to help you connect with those you survived with and probably still can relate to today, another reason to be aware of it is in case you need a buddy statement for your VA compensation claim. The military records you think are being kept may not be accessible. If you need help proving where you were, when you were there or what happened while you were there, this website can help you find people who were there with you. There are over two million veterans on this site so far. Job Fair Plans: Our plans to hold a job fair are still underway. I believe details will start coming together yet this month. March 2022 Need A Big Turnout Michigan attorney Lisa H Beatty will be here at 1830 on 23 March. She’s coming here on her own time to help you understand the 5 most important documents everyone should have and to answer your questions about living wills and estate planning. Veterans Employment Services (VES) The concept of veterans helping veterans is a trademark of the VES team and one of the keys to its success. Veterans face many challenges when transitioning out of the military – finding meaningful employment should not be one of them. • Veterans in need of employment assistance should contact the nearest Michigan Works! One-Stop Service Center by calling 800-285-WORKS (9675) or visiting • More information about Veterans’ Employment Services is available at,5863,7-336-94422_95539_98962---,00.html. • Register today and start your job search at Pure Michigan Talent Connect at Sand Box Presumptive Cancers: If you served in the southwest Asia theater of operations - Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the neutral zone between Iraq and Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, the Gulf of Aden, the Gulf of Oman, the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Sea, the Red Sea, and the airspace above these locations, you should file a notice of intent to file a claim with the VA if you have one of these cancers:
February 2022 Benefit Recalculation: It is true that certain benefit ratings are being recalculated. However, the changes will not apply retroactively. Your current rating will not be changed unless you do something like as for a new rating. The changes are based on the science and the data associated with aspects of illnesses as they are becoming better understood. Hearing and PTSD ratings are among those that will change. The changes are only proposed at this point anyway. Veteran Health Care Reopened: Post 9/11 veterans were given 5 years of VA healthcare when they left active duty. Due to the passage of a slimmed down burn pit bill, all post 9/11 veterans will get one more year of free healthcare at the VA. Those who apply will be screened for all of the known problems associated with burn pits and other toxic exposures they may have experienced down range. Even if you like your private pay healthcare, still sign up and go through the screening. Post 9/11 Veterans Dying Fast: Post 9/11 veterans are dying at a faster rate than Americans overall. Those who experienced traumatic brain injury are the most at risk. Post 9/11 veterans are committing suicide at double the rate of the American population. Please keep your eye on our post 9/11 brothers and sisters. Speaking of Veteran Suicide: The VA has a new suicide prevention strategy. You can read about HERE. Goal 7 of the plan is to provide training to community and clinical service providers on the prevention of suicide and related behaviors. The VA thinks all community-based and clinical suicide prevention professionals whose work brings them into contact with Veterans at risk for suicide should be trained on military culture, how to address suicidal thoughts and behaviors, and how to respond to those who have been affected by suicide. Once this training becomes available, I’ll let you know. We should get this training. January 2022 From the Veterans Benefits Newsletter: Solid Start The VA is calling every newly separated service member three times during their first year of separation. From help getting a home loan, to health care, to returning to work, to mental health support – the VA is here for you. It’s your call. Qualified VA representatives will be reaching out to help you better understand the benefits available to you and help you get a solid start on your civilian life. VA is on the line – take the call! National Personnel Records Center Update: Since covid, the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) has been running at less than 15% capacity. It increased to 25% in September and is now up to 45%. Due to the lack of personnel, NPRC is processing requests that were made in November of 2019. If you need something from your records in a hurry, go to your e-benefits website and look there. Not signed up yet? Click here: Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency may have what you need, including your DD-214. Contact them at 800-642-4838. Also, your DD-214 may be on file in the county you came home to after your service. Check with the register of deeds there. Free Premium Linked In: LinkedIn offers U.S. veterans a free one-year Premium Careers subscription, including access to LinkedIn Learning. To be eligible for this offer, you must meet all of the following requirements: VA Response Time Rules Change: I’ve had a couple people ask what to do when they receive a letter that was dated months ago and says they have 30 days or more to respond. The delay is a dual problem. The company that is contracted by the VA to produce the letters is having difficulty. When the documents finally get to the post office, they are also held up longer because of the post office delivery timeframe. The VA is aware of both issues. They have said they are automatically extending the deadlines for any of the letters it sends by an additional 90 days. When you receive something that requires a response, complete it immediately and send it back as quickly as you reasonably can. Most forms have a “comment” box on them. It’s a good idea to mention the date you received the demand letter and the date of the demand letter in the comments box of your reply form. |